Club for Innovation


Tecnoalimenti develops advanced solutions and research projects for the Food & Beverage industry since 1981. The member companies of Tecnoalimenti represent 12% of the Italian Food Market and are part of our Club for Innovation.



ASA – AR Smart Packaging | Video of the Augmented Reality Multibrand App that is good for Environment. In collaboration with CONAI

ASA is an Augmented Reality Multibrand App that allows consumers to view multimedia and interactive contents overlay and in real time. Thanks to the environmental label implemented in AR in the Recycling section, ASA is COMPLIANT with existing regulatory references relating to mandatory environmental labeling and CONAI indications. ASA is a quick way for companies to comply with existing legislation as its implementation does not require packaging changes. For any info required you can contact TCA



Tecnoalimenti is a no-profit knowledge integrator that designs and develops specific co-operations between scientific research and business in the food industry. As major leader in the EU in Research & Innovation for the market, Tecnoalimenti operates as a holding having set-up a corporate research network in which 31 member companies cooperate with public research centres and universities to perform innovation and research in the fields of agrifood, nutrition, environment, food safety and security by developing new technologies, new products and new visions. The strong focus on the market and on the research within the EU together with its industry approach, qualify TCA as a benchmark for development and innovation in the food & beverage.

Our Network 

30+Tecnoalimenti Member Companies
12%F&B Market Share of Members in Italy
300+Research Projects Implemented
130+Conferences and Events Organized
107+Scientific Cooperations Developed

Our Story


Company Foundation together with Ministry of Research and 15 Companies Members of Agrifood


Participation to the National Environmental Program


Design of the first National Program for Agrifood Research with the Ministry


Cofounder of the

Research Consortium FoodNet


Project Coordinator of Traceback FP6 and Opening of the Naples Office


IAS Design, Food and Health Institute for EXPO 2015


Cofounder of CAT.AL Agrifood Cluster in Lombardia and National Agrifood Cluster CL.AN


EXPO 2015 Member of the Scientific Commitee at International Conference «Food Safurity»


Associate of Unione Industriali di Napoli, Assolombarda & member European House Ambrosetti


Reached 31 shareholders of TCA and Development of the Market Solutions Area


Research & Innovation Planning

We offer to the market, to large companies and to medium-small businesses, a wide range of services with a focus on all aspects of scientific and technological industrial research, from design for EU research to technical coordination, from project management to the creation of partnership networks.

Inter-Company Research

Through the intersection of different competences operating also in remote industries, we design new products and inter-company businesses. We explore research and innovation results within international platforms to grasp opportunities to inflect into agri-food players.

Collaborative Research

Research & innovation needs planning and is performed with the collaboration of companies, research institutes, universities and public administration both at national and at European level. We develop an ecosystem for innovation bridging different players in order to facilitate innovation and speed up business.

Open Innovation

Cooperation based on shared costs with a focus on pre-competitive topics gains importance in bringing down costs for R&I. We elaborate together with our members a Research Agenda and we launch informational webinars in order to activate coperative paths.

Technology Transfer

Research results developed in a different industrial context can be really useful within the food industry. Solutions for ICT, diagnostics, pharma, new materials, circular economy, whether properly tailored for the agrifood context could end up in new successful products and processes.


Food Defense FSMA-IA

Tecnoalimenti, always commiitted in Food Defense training, supports companies to complying with the new FDA regulation in place for the export of agri-food products to the US, powered by own staff qualified as Food Defense Lead Instructor and Food Defense Coordinator. We offer our qualified support for each of the following steps of the development of the Food Defense Plan:

  1. Vulnerability assessment of the specific plant (Vulnerability Assessment)
  2. Identification of mitigation strategies (Mitigation Strategy)
  3. Definition of monitoring procedures
  4. Awareness training of staff
  5. Implementation of the Food Defense Plan.

Technology Scouting

The agrifood Technology Scouting represents an innovative service of technological intelligence designed to assist the business in decisions about process and product innovation. The services are articulated over three routes :

  1. Search of technical and scientific information by the use of its own know-how, and the access to its network and international Data Banks (es. technology scouting, patents, data specific)
  2. Facilitate the innovation by identifying Market leaders, inventors, companies interested in co-developing a project.
  3. Research and development in laboratory for the development and set up of the innovation.

Accompany service towards the Food Industry

New products and new processes developed by technology providers can find an adequate entry into the food industry thanks to the partner platform present in Tecnoalimenti. Testing and pilot applications are possible within a regulated and trusted framework proven by years of industrial relations.

Research Coordination

Tecnoalimenti is a leading company capable of providing highly professional services in order to help companies and research partners to optimize activities related to technical management and project monitoring and evaluation.

ASAThe Solution of Augmented Reality that helps the Environment

The Augmented Reality System created by Tecnoalimenti in partnership with ITC technology provider for the ASA Project (European Project 2019) represents an innovative solution that allows companies to view real and virtual elements with an App interface, in overlay and in real time, (Video, Info Recycling, Social, Games, Multimedia Elements) directly on the packaging. ASA does not require changes to the packaging and represents a quickly implementable solution for the company that wants to communicate the environmental characteristics of its packaging as there is a Recycling Section. Project realized with the patronage of CONAI.

AutenticAppThe smart packaging that guarantees the product authenticity

AuteticApp is an innovative Smart Packaging solution in Web App, operating on consumer devices, which allows consumers to verify the authenticity of the product by detecting a unique and non-replicable marker on the packaging. Created in collaboration with technology provider of authentication systems with the aim of providing the market with an innovative product Authentication system, it represents a Brand Protection solution and a Reputation protection tool for the company. AutenticApp is a solution that can be easily adopted by  companies  to fight the global phenomenon of counterfeiting.

Food Defense Collective CateringThe new Certification

Developed in order to create a regulatory standard for the protection of consumers and the reputation of companies operating in the public catering sector, the Food Defense Collective Catering® Certification (FDRC) represents not only a guarantee and protection system available to the company but also an important marketing tool. Adherence to the Certification offers the opportunity to verify the main points of vulnerability along the food production, transport and supply chain without however compromising internal processes or procedures. The FDRC Certification is a registered trademark by Tecnoalimenti and  Giubilesi & Associati.