

EDEN, the major EU project to protect the food chain

6 Settembre 2013
On September 1st 2013 started the major European project on Security. The EDEN Large Project accounts for 39 participants from all Europe and beyond with a budget of over €35M.  Leggi tutto
Conference NUCE

International conference at NUCE FieraMilanoCity

9 Luglio 2012
Also this year Tecnoalimenti organises an international Conference at NUCE International Fair. Leggi tutto

TRACEBACK and TCA at the “What’s for Lunch Conference

21 Settembre 2011
Food integrity is becoming increasingly important; authenticity, origin of food, geographical location (terroir), traceability and security and safety of food production requires new diagnostic tools and implementation of new information systems. Leggi tutto
Conference NUCE

Conferenza internazionale al NUCE INT. 2011

15 Settembre 2011
Anche quest’anno Tecnoalimenti organizza un convengo internazionale al NUCE 2011. Il titolo del Convegno è: Natural Bioactive Compounds: New horizons of food research and innovation. Il convengo si terrà venerdi 7 ottobre 2011 ore 10:00-17:30, FieraMilanoCity ...Leggi tutto